I have been realizing that although I have a few ideas of my own (see picture), it would be extremely helpful to have more tasks available to choose from in the day. If you can read my frenzied handwriting, you’ll see that most of the ideas listed take place outside. This is a problem because I can feel the Albany winter fast approaching, and even if I do brave the elements, the other people who bundle up too may not be as interested in stopping to participate or observe.
I’ve been thinking of designing a business card—similar to the types that The Rent Project uses. They would explain my mission briefly and ask for ideas. The problem is that The Rent Project offered people payback—their 20 minutes of labor (help us to help you), whereas my project would only bring one the satisfaction of having participated…. I’m so pessimistic, but…
Anyway, even if I did make such cards up, what the heck would they say? I certainly can’t print up my entire mission statement—that’s a lot of ink. “Help me come up with small good deeds and random acts to liven up the neighborhood…” Hmm, maybe. “See www.mundanemischief.blogspot.com for more details.” I would have to make the language more colorful, to get people interested enough to even turn on the computer. How do I describe in on a business card, something that's taking me an entire blog to understand?
UPDATE: I've been thinking about this business card idea some more, and I definitely want to do it. It would be great to hand them out to people who witness the tasks as an explanation and an opportunity for them to further their involvement.
UPDATE: I've been thinking about this business card idea some more, and I definitely want to do it. It would be great to hand them out to people who witness the tasks as an explanation and an opportunity for them to further their involvement.
The pay it forward guy was onto something in one of your older posts... What was your response to him??? An essential question might get people's attention and encourage them to check out your blog. Good luck!